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Biosketch: Dr. Cecilia Kilhamn

Cecilia Kilhamn works as a senior lecturer in teacher education and in-service teacher training at the Department of Education, Gothenburg University. Her main interest is Mathematics Education in primary and elementary school. In her dissertation from 2011 she studied teaching and learning of the concept of negative numbers and student’s development of number sense, using a longitudinal research approach including both interviews and video observations. In the thesis the importance of mathematical language including the use of metaphors were particularly highlighted. Cecilia’s research interest concerns different ways of teaching specific mathematical contents, particularly processes that connect teaching with learning. Her masters’ thesis from 2003 described an experimental study teaching the function concept in grade 3 and 5 using “function boxes”. Cecilia has also supervised many Learning Studies, where the use of Variation theory is a main feature. In addition to her research interests and teaching duties at the university Cecilia writes material for teachers, for example papers in the teacher journal Nämnaren, and material for in service teacher training run by the National Agency for Education (Matematiklyftet).

Current research activities

Between 2011 and 2014 Cecilia worked in an international research project concerning the teaching and learning of early algebra. The project was funded by Nordiska Samarbetsnämnden för Humanistisk och Samhällsvetenskaplig forskning (NOS-HS) and is a collaboration between research teams at Gothenburg University in Sweden; Åbo Academy in Vasa, Finland; University of Agder in Norge, and; University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). The project, VIDEOMAT, is a comparative video study with a specific focus on “the introduction of variables in expressions” in grades 6 and 7. A second research interest is the use of video recorded classroom instruction in teacher education and professional development.


Doctoral Dissertation

Kilhamn, C. (2011). Making sense of negative numbers. Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences 304, Göteborg, Sweden: Acta Unversittatis Gothenburgensis

Journal articles

Lundberg, A. L. V., & Kilhamn, C. (accepted). Transposition of Knowledge: Encountering Proportionality in an Algebra Task. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. doi:10.1007/s10763-016-9781-3

Kilhamn, C. (2014). When does a variable vary? Identifying mathematical content knowledge for teaching variables. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk - Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education. 19 (3-4) s. 83-100.

Nyman, R. & Kilhamn, C. (2014). Enhancing Engagement in Algebra: Didactical Strategies implemented and Discussed by Teachers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research (published online oct. 2014)

Conference Proceedings

Kilhamn, C. ; Hillman, T. (2014). Structural and Pedagogical Diversity in Swedish Grade Six Algebra Classrooms, Proceedings of the ninth annual conference of the Swedish Society for Mathematics Education Research (MADIF9). Umeå: SMDF

Partanen, A-M.; Cecilia Kilhamn (2014). Distribution of lesson rime in introductory algebra classes from four countries. In: Röj-Linberg, A-S., Burman, L., Kurtén-Finnäs, B. & Linnanmäki, K. (Eds.) Spaces of learning: past, present and future. Proceedings of the FMSERA 30th annual symposium in Vaasa, November 6-8, 2013, ( Report 36/2014 ) s. 236-237

Kilhamn, C. (2013). Hidden differences in teachers' approach to algebra - a comparative case study of two lessons, Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. CERME8, Antalya Turky, 6-10 february 2013.

Lundberg, A. L. ; Kilhamn, C. (2013). The Lemon Squash Task, Watson, A. Ohtani, M. Ainley, J. Bolite Frant, J. Doorman, M. Kieran, C. Leung, A. Margolinas, C. Sullivan, P. Thompson, D. R. Yang, Y.. (Eds.). (2013). Task Design in Mathematics Education. Proceedings of ICMI Study 22. Oxford. 1 s. 359-368.

Drageryd, K. ; Erdtman, M. ; Kilhamn, C. (2013). Comparing and ordering fractions - a learning study, WALS, international Conference 2013 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Lesson and learning study as teacher research. September 6-9, 2013. s. 111.

Kilhamn, C. (2012). The role of justification in small group discussions on patterning, Smith (Ed.), Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. 32 (3) s. 109-114.

Kilhamn, C. (2009a). Addition and Subtraction of Negative Numbers Using Extensions of the Metaphor "Arithmetic is Motion Along a Path". In C. Winsløw (Ed.), Nordic Research in Mathematics Education. Proceedings from NORMA08 in Copenhagen, April 21- April 25, 2008 (pp. 17-23). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Kilhamn, C. (2009b). Making sense of negative numbers through metaphorical reasoning. In C. Bergsten, B. Grevholm & T. Lingefjärd (Eds.), Perspectives on mathematical knowledge. Proceedings of MADIF6 (pp. 30-35). Linköping: SMDF.

Kilhamn, C. (2009c). The notion of number sense in relation to negative numbers. In M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou & H. Sakonidis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education (Vol. 3, pp. 329-336). Tessaloniki: PME.

Book Chapters

Kilhamn, C. & Röj-Lindberg, A-S. (2013). Seeking hidden dimensions of algebra teaching through video analysis. In B. Grevholm, P. S. Hundeland, K. Juter, K. Kislenko & P.-E. Persson (Eds.), Nordic research in mathematics education, past, present and future (pp. 299-326). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Cecilia Kilhamn


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