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Nätverk och samarbeten med andra forskningsgrupper

International Information Literacies Research Network

NordLearn - network for the preparation of a Nordic network of excellence
Medverkande institutioner: LinCS, Intermedia, Oslo, Centre for Learning Research, Turku and Centre for Educational Technology, Tallinn University. Funded by NordForsk, Oslo.

Nordic Research Network on Learning Across Contexts

Nordic Research School in Library and Information Studies (NORSLIS)

Nätverket för forskning om literacy practices
Göteborgs universitet, Uppala universitet, Örebro universitet, Stockholms universitet

LMG - The Learning and Media Group

Deltagande institutioner: London Knowledge Lab and Institute of Education, University of London and Department of Curriculum Studies and Communication, Stockholm University.

LIKE - Learning Trajectories in Knowledge Economies at the University of Oslo


DANASWAC - Discourse and narrative approaches to social work and counselling

Kaleidoscope - A European Network of Excellence in the field of technology enhanced learning (TEL)

The European Commission has financed Kaleidoscope

OFTI - Områdesgruppen för forskning om tal och interaktion

Amulti-professional international network to promote research and knowledge exchange on leading issues of professional education, practice and learning

ScandLE Research Network


Sidansvarig: Elin Nordenström|Sidan uppdaterades: 2015-09-04

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