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Biosketch: Assoc. professor Helena Francke

Helena is an associate professor in Library and Information Science at the University of Borås (UB). Her research interests concern the credibility and authority of sources, information literacy, information practices, scholarly communication, and document studies. She has been teaching at the UB since 1999 and has also worked briefly as a lecturer at Lund University. She is a member of the Information Practices research group at UB. Between 2000 and 2007, she was co-editor of the peer-reviewed journal Human IT: Journal for information technology studies as a human science. In fall 2016, she taught at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a STINT fellow.

Helena is part of the project “Knowledge in a Digital World – Trust, Credibility & Relevance on the Web” at Lund University, funded by the Swedish Research Council. She divides her research interests between work with information literacy, particularly credibility assessments, and work on scholarly communication, mostly on the role of research libraries and researchers in open access and research data management. She has just finished the project Öppna e-tjänster [Open e-services] together with colleagues at the University of Skövde on the use of open software, open standards and open access to publications and data in various academic settings.

Recent publications (2014-)

Francke, H., Gamalielsson, J. & Lundell, B. (forthcoming). Institutional repositories as infrastructures for long-term preservation. Information Research.

Mansour, A. & Francke, H. (forthcoming). Credibility assessments of everyday life information: A sociocultural investigation of a Facebook group of mothers. Information Research.

Francke, H. & Sundin, O. (2016). Källkritik och nya publiceringsformer. Lärportalen: Kritisk användning av nätet. Stockholm: Skolverket.

Francke, H. & Johansson, M. (2016). Källkritik på internet. Lärportalen: Kritisk användning av nätet. Stockholm: Skolverket.

Francke, H., Söderlind, Å., Pilerot, O., Elf, G. & Limberg, L. (2016). Folkbiblioteken i medielandskapet [Public libraries in the media landscape]. Människorna, medierna & marknaden: Medieutredningens forskningsantologi om en demokrati i förändring [The people, the media & the market]. Ed. O. Westlund. Stockholm: Wolters Kluwer, 515-537. http://www.regeringen.se/contentassets/a54e03720c7b4b9eb3f227e8ca32d72b/manniskorna_medierna_marknaden_SOU_2016_30

Lundh, Anna, Helena Francke & Olof Sundin (2015). To Assess and Be Assessed: Upper Secondary School Students’ Narratives of Credibility Judgements. Journal of Documentation 71(1), 80-95.
Preprint: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:844133/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Gärdén, C., Francke, H., Lundh, A.H. & Limberg, L. (2014). A matter of facts? Linguistic tools in the context of information seeking and use in schools. Proceedings of ISIC, the Information Behaviour Conference, Leeds, 2-5 September, 2014: Part 1, (paper isic07). http://informationr.net/ir/19-4/isic/isic07.html.


Helena Fracke

Helena Francke

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer

Page Manager: Elin Johansson|Last update: 11/16/2016

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