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Biosketch: Dr. Annika Andersson

Annika Andersson is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Department of Social and Behavioural studies and Department of Health Sciences at University West. She holds her PhD in Education with specialisation in Work-Integrated Learning. In her thesis In case of emergency: Collaboration exercises at the boundaries between emergency service organisations, from 2016, she explored how collaboration between the police, ambulance and rescue services is trained in full-scale exercises in Sweden. Of particular interest was how boundaries were identified, negotiated and could be understood as mechanisms for learning collaboration.

She is currently involved in courses at the Human Resource programme and a course in Disaster preparedness and inter-professional collaboration. Her research interest continues in the field of emergency services work, focusing on dilemmas and negotiation in time-sensitive work practices, and how inter-professional reflection activities can be developed in training activities. She is also involved in a research project on (developing) sustainable health care, funded by Centre for Sustainable Development at University West and Fyrbodal Health Academy.

She has a background as a Master in Public Health and alcohol prevention research at Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg.

Recent publications

Andersson, A. (2016) In case of emergency: Collaboration exercises at the boundaries between emergency service organizations. Doctoral thesis (2016 No. 8), University West, Trollhättan.

Andersson, A. & Lindström, B. (2016) Exploring boundaries in collaboration exercises with emergency service organizations. Paper presented at 7th Nordic Conference on Cultural and Activity Research, June 16-18 2016.

Andersson, A. (2016). Boundaries as mechanisms for learning in emergency exercises with students from emergency service organisations. Journal of Vocational Education and Learning, 68(2): 245-262.

Andersson A., Carlström E., Åhgren, B. & Berlin, J. (2014). Managing boundaries at the accident scene - a qualitative study of collaboration exercises. International Journal of Emergency Services, 3(1): 77-94.

Andersson A., Carlström E. & Berlin J. (2013). Organisering av en fingerad verklighet - Om övningar mellan blåljusorganisationer. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 15(3): 34-64.

Annika Andersson


Page Manager: Elin Johansson|Last update: 6/29/2016

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