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Biosketch: Dr. Eva Hjörne

Eva Hjörne completed her PhD in Education at University of Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2004. Her main interests are in the analysis of institutional discourse, processes of marginalization and mediated action with special focus on categorizing and identity formation of pupils in school. Her current research project includes analysis of meetings between experts in school (so called pupil welfare team meetings) when negotiating and identifying who is in need of special support and, what pedagogical implications this will have when pupils, for instance, are placed into special teaching groups.

Current research activities

Project, 2007-1010: Boys with 'problematic' school behaviours - A study of masculinity, exclusion and socialisation in special teaching group. Funded by Swedish Research Council. Together with professor Ann-Carita Evaldsson, Uppsala University.

Recent publications

Hjörne, E., & Säljö, R. (2008). Att platsa i en skola för alla – elevhälsa och förhandling om normalitet i den svenska skolan [To fit into a school for all – pupil welfare and the negotiation of normality in the Swedish school]. Stockholm: Norstedts Akademiska /in press/.

Hjörne, E. & Säljö, R. (2007). Categorizing learners beyond the classroom, in N. Hornberger (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol 3: Discourse and Education, p.135-146. NY: Springer.

Hjörne, E. & Mäkitalo, Å. (2007). På vems premisser? Institutionell argumentation och socialisering av barn och vuxna [On whose premises? Institutional argumentation and socialization of children and adults]. I H-E. Hermansson, A. Gustavsson & M. Molin (Red). Meningsskapande och delaktighet - vår tids socialpedagogik [Meaningshaping and participation - the socialpedagogics of our time] /in press/.

foto Eva Hjörne

Eva Hjörne


Page Manager: Elin Johansson|Last update: 2/22/2008

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